A blockchain designed for proofkeeping

With its intuitive online interface and powerful encrypted APIs, Carmentis simplifies the management of business proofs on the blockchain. It enables everyone in your business—your team, partners, and customers—to effortlessly certify all the documents essential for doing business online.

Carmentis Application Display

We were looking for a blockchain solution to certify and authenticate digital content, videos and other intellectual property. Carmentis was just what we needed: flexible, user-friendly and cutting-edge. 

Randy Dean, Founder and CEO at Verifiabl.AI

Set up Carmentis
with ease

With the intuitive online interface you can quickly configure parameters for the transactions where Carmentis serves as the trusted keeper of your business proofs.

Identify stakeholders

They can be individuals, companies, or the public at large.

Specify documents and proofs for Carmentis to manage

Specify the documents you want Carmentis to certify, including contracts, invoices, certificates of shipment, receipts, financial statements, compliance documents, and more.

Define stakeholder rights 

Set detailed permissions, such as partial document viewing or restricted access to mathematical sums rather than raw data, to support confidential financial reconciliation and audit use cases, for instance.

Connect with top business services

Carmentis seamlessly integrates with top KYC, Bank-as-a-Service, digital ID, governmental and shipping services.

Carmentis plays a crucial role in assisting users of Blitz to transparently track non-performing loans as they move from original holders to collection and legal enforcement.

Xavier Badiche, CEO at Blitz

Tap our APIs to anchor and verify proofs

Rely on Carmentis' powerful encrypted APIs for seamless management of business proofs at every step in your transactional workflows.

Anchor Proofs: Throughout your transaction, our APIs anchor all proofs (payment, signature, KYC, document receipt, invoicing), fixing them in a secure blockchain.

Verify Proofs: Access our APIs at any point to verify business proofs, enabling you to proceed to the next phase in your transaction.

Share your business proofs

Easily share business proofs with business counterparts, government entities, and the public at large.

Transfer your proofs via API

Effortlessly transfer Carmentis proofs to third parties as JSON files via our encrypted APIs. 

Communicate your proofs via QR Code

Carmentis proofs can be shared with anyone, including the broader public, using a unique QR code.

Carmentis has elevated Facturer Facile to a new level, ensuring that clients of our invoicing platform receive prompt payments in accordance with contract terms.

Selim Tavukcuoglu, Product Manager at Facturer Facile

Confidentiality by design 

While we operate as a trusted third party, our encrypted blockchain ensures that we can never access the proofs and data we safeguard.

Among participants in Carmentis processes, access to proofs is restricted based on each stakeholder’s unique permissions.

This level of flexibility is made possible by our unique micro-blockchain architecture. It guarantees that each stakeholder can only access the information they have permission for.

Trust Carmentis to manage your business proofs

Start safeguarding your online transactions today.